Parking can sometimes be a problem around the Coker College campus -- guess like all colleges. But, this week, the parking situation has begun to ease as students are starting their summer vacations. This is the end of another semester. I have one set of grades to post with the Registrar and my semester is over. I think today is last day of exams in the day program and pretty soon the campus will be really quiet.
One big day left of the academic year -- this Saturday. Graduation at Coker is out of doors in front of our iconic Davidson Hall. It is always a great event. Emerson Gower, former vice president with Progress Energy and a member of the Coker College Board of Trustees will be the speaker for graduation. A friend of mine and an amazing contributor to the Hartsville community, Clayton Richardson is being honored as the community Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award winner. The campus winner is Robert O'Hara, who defines the engaged Coker College student. Robert is on his way to law school.
As someone once told me, it's more of a walking problem than a parking problem.