Sometimes people who have not been to a college dance program will look at me a little strange when I urge them to attend because of what they can learn about communication. Since joining Coker back in 2000, I have come to appreciate dance not only as an art form but also as a communication medium. I will never know anything about choreography but after every dance performance or showcase I come away amazed at the depth of communication that results from an intricately choreographed piece. This week the dance showcase involves two senior thesis presentations that are certain to be striving for that communication depth. Being able to experience new forms of communication, different forms of art and discussion forums are some of the reasons being part of this Coker learning community is so important a part of my life.
"Change in Motion" is the theme of the Coker College Fall Dance recital that will be performed on campus in the Watson Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. Here is the announcement shared with faculty by Angela Gallo, assistant professor of dance:
This Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm the Dance Program is proud to present Change in Motion- The Fall Student Choreography Showcase in the Watson Theater.
The show will feature the senior thesis projects of Jessica Welch and Corrine Sutton, as well as six other works by choreographers Hannah Beard, Kayla Webb, Jasmine Stevenson, Tara Haynes, Paige ManWaring and Alicia Nelson.
It is an exciting show that will feature many styles of dance. Please come out and support the dancers and choreographers who have worked so hard to put this great show together.
Great Blog!!!!