Friday, January 22, 2010

Coker College on Palmetto People

Coker College is getting another spot on Palmetto People and the section will begin airing sometime in February. James Jolly, director of marketing and communication for Coker, set up the shooting. He asked me to talk a bit about the round table instruction and it was fun to be part of the shoot. Right after it was over I was wishing for a chance at a second take because I ignored a lot of what I teach in class about keeping it in sound bites and using only common words, etc. Need to get more practice in this, I think. But it was fun.

Jessica Welch, a communication and dance major, is doing her internship with the Coker office of Marketing and Communication and she was there to observe how things were set up and took a seat in the interview chair to get a feel for the setting from the participants view. Hope that is the video that accompanies this post. (Seems to be a problem with processing video to the blog.)

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you did a great job. I need a little practice on the interview thing too. I look forward to seeing this Palmetto People episode. Any way you can give me a link?
