Friday, July 17, 2009

Jolt of Awareness -- Tempus fugit

The envelope was thick and the return address was Coker. The letter inside from Dr. Pat Lincoln -- Dear Colleagues...Time to think about being back to work. First day of the new semester for faculty is August 11. Time does fly!

In addition to the schedule for faculty week and the invitation of an opening potluck dinner (everyone likes to start with food, Dr. Lincoln's letter included some questions about the college that Dr. Wyatt is asking in preparation for the development of a new strategic plan.

1 -- What institutional values must we preserve at all costs?

2 -- What changes do you see happening in higher education that will require us to respond in order to continue to be successful? What suggestions do you have for how Coker should respond?

3 -- Here is an interesting one -- What one thing must we change to succeed in the next one to three years?

4 -- How might we go about better disginguishing Coker from other institutions with a similar mission, target audience, etc.?

5 -- Is it best for Coker College to devote more resources to those areas in which we can excel, rather than to distribute resources equally among all areas? is so, what would be the best way to determine the areas upon which the college should focus?

Those questions will be certain to generate discussion, if not agreement.

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