Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday and all was not quiet on campus

Even during the school year Saturday mornings are dead on campus. You can often look in all directions and not see anyone at 8 in the morning. So, I was out on the bike and decided to go over by the office. Two people walking on the Coker campus checking to see where the Performing Arts Building was. One was auditioning for TheWandaProject. Found out later she and her mother drive from Birmingham, Alabama for the audition. It was long after that that several of the TWP dancers were on campus and getting ready for a full day of rehearsals. The company is touring in North and South Carolina this week.

I wasn't planning on staying long this first trip and as I slowly pedaled toward the front of the building ran into a mother, father and son who had an appointment at Admissions. Admission counselors working hard on Saturday. It was about two hours later and Ray, admissions, stopped by my office with a guy who is thinking of finishing his degree at Coker after getting his AA in Florida. The potential student is a potential baseball player, an outfielder who swings a good bat.

Not long after that Deb from the Theater Department was heading to the Music Department joining the search committee of Graham and Will looking for a new member of the music faculty.

Quite surprising to see so much going on during a beautiful Saturday May morning.

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